Wednesday 15 April 2020

Day Twenty Three of LOCKDOWN!

We did a few bits and pieces today, including heading outside into the sun (there has been no rain at all since the start of the lockdown, which is extremely unusual where we live).

Tahlia set up a little tea party for Mummy, Daddy, Ptolemy and herself

Jory is very much enjoying a drag and drop picture creator

Jory waited very nicely in the queue at Aldi

They had lots of things back in stock, including plain flour, icing sugar and pasta

Meanwhile, after some maths, the others had a go at a Dr Seuss floor puzzle

They named all the different letters and put them in the right order

All done!

They have a really nice set of 50 books to enjoy

Mummy and Daddy made the marinade for a rendang curry they will make later

Jory is loving spelling words using his puzzle pieces

Tahlia had fun spelling words too; we were missing some letters so she had to improvise to spell her name

We headed to our local bike park for some exercise

Unfortunately there were a few crashes!

Spot the train

Ptolemy needed lots of pushing!
Jory's little friend joined us on our adventure...does anyone know his name?

Setting off on a race

Tasty chicken rendang for our tea

Ptolemy loves his superboy at bedtime

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone had good day the Curry looked good
