Friday 3 April 2020

Day Eleven of LOCKDOWN!

The kids (especially Ptolemy) were delighted to see Joe Wicks dressed as Spiderman for their PE class this morning

All working hard!

Jory can spell Morrisons -backwards (this was intentional; see if you can spot it)

The kids were delighted to receive a new book each, sent to them by Bumble and Grandad 
Tahlia loves anything pretty looking

Ptolemy particularly loves the pop-up T-rex

Tahlia spent ages on the colouring sheets they also sent

Daddy is getting some exercise in during his work breaks

 We headed out on another rainbow walk, this time in a different direction...

They were very pleased to see their friend Harrison, also out on a walk

They found quite a few rainbows; this one is a little hard to see due to the reflection of the sun

Later, we continued with our chocolate themed activities...

Zachary enjoyed setting up a poll to find out people's favourite chocolate bar; tomorrow he'll check up on the final results and make a graph

He was very excited when he got some responses and kept us updated for most of the afternoon 

This is our only chocolate themed book - Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose by Julia Donaldson

Their favourite part is when they all go to sleep at the end (spoilers!)

We watched Michael Rosen tell his excellent Chocolate Cake short story -he is so animated! Sad to hear he's in intensive care at the moment with possible Covid 19 (he's also the writer of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt').

The others built a den in the dining room but wouldn't let Jory in!

Our next chocolate themed activity was a chocolate fondue game

They had to spin the wheel to see what they had to dip; with a few unusual outcomes!

Ptolemy has to dip a cheese and onion crisp

Zachary was disappointed to spin 'carrot' three times in a row!

Next we did a dissolving experiment 

Whilst trying to keep all other factors the same for a fair test, we tested cocoa powder in different temperatures of water to see which dissolved the fastest

The hot water was the fastest in less than 20 seconds; the powder didn't dissolve much at all in the cold water; we talked about why this was the case

Ptolemy's potty training isn't going as well as we'd hoped; he never tells us if he needs to go or even if he's wet himself

Here we talked about how milk chocolate is high in calories. Here they are running on the spot for 30 seconds to earn just one M&M to eat -it takes a lot of exercise to counter those extra calories!

They were begging to play the chocolate bar treasure hunt again; this time Tahlia hid them all (unfortunately she threw half of them into our neighbour's garden as she thought we'd never find them)

Next, Ptolemy hid the chocolate bar wrappers
Free rides for all...

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