Tuesday 21 April 2020

Day Twenty Nine of LOCKDOWN!

It was a morning of maths and reading for most of them
Tahlia also worked on some stencil drawings

Jory helped Mummy with the shopping

There was a particularly long queue outside today (but thankfully it was warm and sunny)

After decorating her princess, she added some stamps

All done! She wants to post it to some of her friends

Tahlia also built a lovely garden

Jory enjoys a ride on Daddy

We enjoyed a lovely walk along the canal, though we had to keep stopping for bikes

They love bridges

Checking the map

They had a good run!

Stopping for a drink

Poor Jory kept losing his hat!

1 comment:

  1. That all looked good fun you all had a great time I love Tallia Princes well done every body love Jacqui xx
