Wednesday 6 May 2020

Day Forty Four of LOCKDOWN!

Tahlia is really enjoying writing in her special book each morning

Whilst Zachary is writing each morning about Christopher Columbus

Whilst Mummy and Jory headed out to do some food shopping, the others had a drawing competition with Daddy
Drawing houses

Tahlia works on her amazing multicoloured house

All done; she won the competition
Building and testing marble runs

Inspired by PE with Joe this morning, Zachary wanted a game of 'Play Your Cards Right'

This is the ridiculously long queuing area at Morrisons- it took several minutes to negotiate it just to reach the entrance (and there was barely anyone in the queue)

Jory enjoyed his trip out

Jory joined in with the marble runs after we got back

Helping Mummy with the washing

A useful thing to learn!

Taking the dry washing upstairs to sort and put away

Daddy had a short break from work, so he joined in with some croquet

Going for the finish

Jory loves the game

We checked on the egg experiment we started yesterday

The acid had broken down the shell of the egg and made it soft

Having a squeeze

What happens if we squeeze it really hard?

The moment the egg pops and the filling spurts out!

We counted our chilli seedlings: now we have four!

We also checked on our bread experiment to see if anything had grown - not much growth yet, so we'll leave it another week

Tahlia and Ptolemy had practised a show for the rest of us and it was time for the performance

Unfortunately it was a sad ending - the poor bear was killed by the other soft toys!

Jory had been asking to watch Toy Story for several days (as it's the theme of some of his puzzles), so we watched it this afternoon

Jory's favourite part - the Disney fireworks

Jory drew a map of Aldi and asked Mummy to write the names of different areas

1 comment:

  1. It all looked good fun and good work by everyone love Jacqui xx
