Thursday 7 May 2020

Day Forty Five of LOCKDOWN!

As it's the 75th anniversary of VE day tomorrow, we are doing a few days studying WW2...

Watching a video to explain what happened; we also read through a PowerPoint

Doing a VE day comprehension worksheet

Tahlia coloured lots of union flag bunting and a picture of a spitfire

Playing a WW2 themed online game

Jory's Spitfire picture

It was tricky to get the spitfire to land at the end

Daddy came to help Jory with his fire engine puzzle on his break

Ptolemy is doing very well with his potty training; he's been dry for 4 days and has started asking when he needs to use it

Zachary decoded some messages in Morse code

Decorating a union flag (never mind about the colour!)

We made some wartime foods; tomorrow we'll look more at rationing and have a special 'ration' lunch

Making an eggless chocolate beetroot cake

They all love using the whisk

Making carrot scones

Shaping them into balls

We headed out for a walk in the sunshine

Ptolemy found a stick

They enjoyed listening to a wind chime in the breeze

They found a bridge to reach the path next to the stream

Ptolemy enjoyed using his stick as a pretend sword

They found their own 'playground' of felled trees

Tahlia is very keen to go back sometime soon

We played hide and seek for a little while

Sitting in a den of branches

Heading home

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