Sunday 29 March 2020

Day Six of LOCKDOWN!

This morning we enjoyed a family walk along the Exeter Quay in the sun (and cold wind - some of us even wore two coats!).

Crossing the bridge while keeping our distance, until Jory spots a dog!
With not many people about, the poor birds were very hungry!

It's rare to capture a bird in flight, but two is impressive!
They enjoyed a tasty brunch of oats, rice and bread

There weren't many people around

Having a rest

Here's how it feels to be in LOCKDOWN

Climbing on some millstones

They all love bridges

Tahlia poses for a photo

This afternoon, we had a fun board games afternoon...

Zachary explains the rules of the game he made

Ptolemy helped Mummy make some bread sauce for our tea this evening...

...Then tried to hide the fact that he was eating some of the bread

Zachary adds an exercise space in his board game

She didn't realise her photo was being taken!

When I asked Ptolemy to smile for a photo

Daddy and Zachary playing Star Realms

A special treat - roast beef dinner, with all the trimmings!

Here we are singing some of our Sunday School favourites...

Wide, wide as the ocean

Father Abraham

Zacchaeus was a very little man


  1. Good to see you are doing well and keeping busy during the early days of the apocalypse.
