Monday 5 August 2019

What We've Been Up To...#19

Here's what we did in the rest of May and June...

Walking the plank with Grandma Jeanette

A speedy orange elephant slide

Looking up into Launceston Castle

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Rough knight?

Who's the dirty rascal now?

Who will win the race?

Running along at Occombe Farm

Occombe Farm tractor

Donkey rides at the sanctuary

Mixing colours in a light box at Torquay Museum

Zachary tries to work out what the Braille says

Making clay pots


Using natural dyes to paint pictures

Figuring out how the horse's skeleton goes together

Our back door was removed (ready for a new one)

The decorator set up in the loft room

The tiling began

Out and about in Paignton for Torbay Air Show

Boat ride

Aerial runway at Paignton playground

We had about 20 minutes of sand before the sea came in

Ptolemy likes other people's beds

Zachary did a survey of the foods people liked...

Then drew a bar chart to show the results; chips and chocolate were the most popular

After a talk about insects from Devon Wildlife Trust (at Hedge group), they went bug hunting

Checking the net for bugs

Juicing lemons to make elderflower cordial

Taking a baby for a ride at Bash 'n' Bang

See the little bunnies sleeping...

Giant snakes and ladders

The Hospiscare fete - Zachary has a go at whack the rat (he won a cuddly toy twice)

Hooking the discs to see which prize you win (Jory just wanted to carry on hooking)

Jory makes a leap of faith outside church

A friend from playgroup had a birthday party

Tahlia especially was overjoyed to see Elsa from Frozen at the party

Tahlia can't take any more

Tahlia overcomes her fear of peacocks (one pecked her about 2 years ago)

Aeroplane wallpaper for Jory and Zachary's new room

Giant snakes and ladders is popular

Drawing a treasure map

Jory enjoys writing numbers

Singing 'Five little speckled frogs' at Bash 'n' Bang

The wallpaper was pulled down in Ptolemy's room

Some interesting lino under the carpet

We discovered some 1960s wallpaper with headlines that you'd never see today

He hasn't noticed yet!

Tasty Ikea 50p hot dog

Father's Day breakfast

Bringing Daddy his giant Father's Day burger

Feeding the deer at the World of Country Life in Exmouth

Ptolemy's room was nearly there

Onto decorating Tahlia's room

Ptolemy bashes and bangs

New ensuite shower room fitted

Just needs a lit mirror cabinet

Mummy and Daddy enjoyed a day off to celebrate their anniversary in Dartmouth, with a river cruise and castle visit

Daddy cleaned out the car; the others helped

Special Mcdonalds treat

Unlikely but true...Zachary hit the jackpot!

This is what 1000 tickets looks like

Then we ventured onto the beach. Suddenly, they all started running away. Fast.

Random stuff with no place to go

Chests of drawers migrated to the corridor

Our bed shifted up to make space for the decorator

Steve, the decorator, with his dog Benny

Furniture shoved into another corridor to allow carpets to be fitted (MASSIVE upheaval)

The kids had a wonderful time at Daddy's work BBQ; here, Don plays kids songs on guitar

Ron was also very popular with his magic tricks

On the right is Ken, the owner of the company, who is aged 93; he was literally having running races with the kids!

Our bathroom became a new storage area

Our church away day at the Waie Inn, Zeal Monochorum

Zachary makes electrical circuits with various different components 

Climbing high at the Waie Inn playground

Their own game: trying to catch the goal

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