Saturday 1 December 2012

Just Like Daddy!

Here's why Zachary is just like his Daddy...

1. He looks just like him

A lot of people have commented that Zachary looks like Swith, particularly his nose - according to Grandma Jeanette, he has a 'Boulton' nose (Daddy is disappointed, as he doesn't like his nose very much).

Hopefully Zachary won't need thick glasses like Daddy

2. He likes his food

Like Daddy, Zachary has always fed very well - when he was born he latched on straight away, and since then he has always fed very quickly, taking only 5-10 minutes in the night. It'll be interesting to see how he does when we introduce food (usually around 6 months if he's interested then); we expect he'll eat anything, just like his Daddy.

Zachary tries to munch on Daddy's giant cookie

3. He likes the football

Well, not the football specifically, but he is always very interested in the TV whenever we have it on. Daddy is an avid supporter of Manchester United, which we expect will rub off on Zachary when he gets older (Daddy hopes so).

Daddy and Zachary enjoy seeing United win again

4. He is inquisitive

Although Zachary doesn't bombard you with questions the moment he meets you (as Daddy tends to do), Zachary is extremely interested in the world around him, especially people and lights, sometimes staring at them for significant amounts of time.

Zachary examines the passing cars

5. He likes books

Maybe not quite the same books as Daddy; Zachary likes his swimming book and any other book that has bright colours and well defined pictures.

Reading with Daddy

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