Friday, 5 June 2020

Day Seventy Five of LOCKDOWN!

Ptolemy had the fun task of picking up all the balls after he threw them all out of the loft window

We enjoyed PE with Joe this morning
It was fancy dress Friday for Joe and he was Fred Flintstone

We continued our Bible overview project today, making pictures of the stars; God told Abraham his descendants would number the stars in the sky

Painting planets

Painting a 'monster planet'

She always loves mixing the colours

Solving a cryptogram about Abraham

Watching a video about Jacob and Esau

We learnt the story of Jacob marrying Leah and Rachel and played a related blindfolded game

Trying to find Rachel, not Leah!

We watched a film about the story of Joseph, who was taken to Egypt after his brothers sold him into slavery; as Pharaoh had a dream about ears of corn, we ate popcorn while we watched

After watching the film, we did a story sequencing activity

Putting the story pictures in the right order

Zachary wanted to find Jacob's family tree on his timeline poster

They watched The Fox and the Hound 

Then it was haircut time for everyone

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